Monday, September 29, 2014

The Real World

Looking for a job can be a hassle especially when you're in high school. For me my mom is always on my case about where I have applied, if I called the place back and to keep on trying. The thing is I am trying it's just not that easy. So far I have had two interviews. One with the Hallmark store over at the Pheasant Lane mall and another interview at the Paper Store. Both of these stores are quaint and I would love to work there. Just having to wait for them to get back to you is the hardest part because you want to know if you got it right away.

The only reason my mom is so hard on me finding a job is because I quit two jobs I had earlier and I was slacking on finding another. Last summer I worked at the Dunkin Donuts near my house for about five months. I looked at it as a summer job and when the school year came around along with sports I wasn't able to handle it all. I asked my manager about reducing my hours and not have me work during the week nights, but she didn't listen to me and kept scheduling me late shifts. I decided I had enough of the job and just decided to put in my two weeks and focus on school and soccer. After soccer season was over I knew that I needed to find another job to keep me busy and to help support myself. I was looking around to see who was hiring and my friend was working over at McDonald's. She told me I should apply there. I thought it would be fun to work with her and I already knew the fast food business. When I applied my friend put in a good word for me. The manager called me about a month after and asked me to come in for an interview. I was nervous during the interview, but at the end she said I got the job and then she showed me around the place. I was so happy. Finally I was employed again, but my first day I thought what did I get myself into. I sucked up the first week and kept thinking I can do this, but all I wanted to do was leave. It was not my type of job and I just wanted to get away from food and focus on something else. So after a few more weeks I quit. I know this sets a bad reputation for me, but I am not going to continue working someplace I don't like. I want to enjoy my job and have a nice quiet environment.

Now that everyone knows about my failures in the job department I want people to learn from my mistakes and not work somewhere you think you wouldn't enjoy. Go work somewhere and do something you, Get a job you know you can come back and work for after college. That is what I'm looking for right now. A stable environment and I will be doing something I love.  There are times I regret quitting my jobs, but I knew that it was the right decision and my parents told me not to continue if I truly didn't enjoy it. Now that I am so close to being employed again I am going to look at my job in positive attitude and be optimistic because that is what the real world is all about. Try to look at things positively and everything just might work out for you.

Monday, September 22, 2014


Welcome to to my Blog! Here I will be writing about my week and the struggles I face in and out of school. I know most of you can relate. We always have those days where we think why today. I hope all of you enjoy my posts and I want to thank you for visiting my page.

Today I will be talking about the struggles we might face on a Monday. I know most of us
dread Mondays and I will be talking about why I do not like them so much. So this past week I encountered a few obstacles that, in my opinion, could qualify as a daily struggle. Earlier this week I was getting ready for school Monday morning and usually I get my uniform set up the night before, but I forgot. After I woke up Monday morning and went to go look for a uniform I realized that all of them were dirty or I just couldn't seem to find any. As I was freaking out about what to do because I didn't want to end up wearing a dirty shirt, which my sister suggested, I had to hurry and speed wash one of them. About twenty minutes before we had to go I stuck my shirt in the dryer and the time I went to go get it the shirt was still wet. That isn't even the worst part. It was freezing outside so my shirt hardened a little because it was wet. So now I was wearing a partially frozen shirt, yelling for my sister to hurry up and still had to stop at Dunkin Donuts. Now I need my coffee in the morning and when I went to make some I realized my mom I had used the rest of them and there was none for me. I liked to leave around seven in the morning because it gives me time to do homework in the morning, but today wasn't working in my favor. We left the house around 7:20 and there was a line out in the road for the drive-thru at Dunkins. Could today get any worst. This is one reason why I hate Mondays because they always throw me a curve ball. Finally we got to school around 7:40 and I was rushing to get upstairs so I could get ready for the school day. When I thought my day couldn't get worse after the morning I had I was wrong. When I got out of school my mom texted me saying that she needed me to come home to pick up Isabel's volleyball shoes because she forgot them. Of course I was the one who always did the running around and it drove me crazy. Right after school I sped home to get Isabel her shoes and then had to come back all the way to NDA. When I was driving back from the school there was this squirrel who came out of no where and I had to slam on my breaks causing the car behind me to almost hit the back of my car. Of course I didn't want to hit the squirrel and couldn't blame it for coming out in the road, but honestly it had top run out in front of my car. At last I was home and could relax, but that wasn't reality. I had to get ready for math tutoring and after my day I didn't want to go anywhere. I was beat and just wanted to sleep. I was able to relax for about an hour and I was out of the house again. The tutoring session went over well and I was always happy when I could clear up whatever troubles I was having in pre-calculus. As I was walking over to my car to get home I turned on my phone to get my GPS ready and my phone read 2% of battery left, I couldn't believe this was actually happening, Before I left my house my phone was at 40% and all of a sudden it was at two. I didn't even use my phone. I quickly turned on my car and tried to get as far as I could with my GPS to get home. It probably took me two minutes into my twenty-five drive. After my phone died I had to follow cars around and try to figure out where I was going. This was the time I wish I listened to my mom when she said maps are useful in life. My twenty-five minute drive turned into a forty minute drive. I was aimlessly driving around hoping for some sign of a way home. Eventually I found my way to the highway and as I was merging onto the highway a deer comes out of the trees and runs across. As it was running across it looked straight into my headlight. I was glad that I wasn't going to fast and was able to slow down. When I got home I was beat and all I did was ate some of my dinner and went to bed hoping that tomorrow would be a little bit better.