Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Death of McDreamy

So this past week on Thursday night at 9 p.m. there was the tragic death of Derek Shepard. Going into this episode I had this feeling that something bad might happen in the episode, but I still cannot get over that Derek died!!! How could Shonda do that to us. All of us Grey fans have been watching this show for over 11 years. 11 years of our lives maybe even more that has just been ripped away from us. When I first started the show I began because I wanted to see the blooming romance between Meredith and Derek. Not only is this the only death that pushed me off of the edge but Shonda and her crew have managed to kill off George. George O'Malley was killed off early in the show. He was sweet old George who always wanted to do people right by any way. It just is not fair to us because we had spent so much time on keeping up on the lives of all the characters. The thing that with every death of each character there was a build up before they were killed off. There lives were all set and their families knew that there was a chance that they were going to die and prepared themselves for the worst of it. With Derek Meredith had no idea that he was going to die. All of a sudden Derek was in the hospital and then he was dead. It was a hospital mistake because they never gave him a head CT. How could they not give him one. Even I knew that Derek would need one and I am not even a doctor!!! Derek was helping people and now I can never get over this!! If they have a season 12 no one is going to watch because we were all betrayed by Shonda!

Friday, April 10, 2015


Hello everyone,
I want to welcome you back to The Daily Struggle. I know how hard it must have been to go a week without seeing one of my posts. Well do not worry because I got a good one for you this lovely Friday. I know most of you have  probably heard about how my family and I adopted a dog a few days ago. We have finally named her and her name is Piper. She is the cutest thing ever! The reason I am blogging about Piper today is because I want to bring awareness to the problem with dogs in the south. It is terrible. Down there people do not know how to handle taking care of pets. The only solution they are able to come up with is that they can either put them into a kill shelter or abandon them on the streets. Both of these solutions are terrible.  How can any person do this to a loving animal who doesn't know any better about what's going on. They cannot help that there are too many of them because they are harmless creatures. Well first my family and I wanted to make sure we were going to rescue an animal. We went to a bunch of different shelters and looked at all the dogs they had and were not able to find any that would be able to fit in with our family. Then when we did find a dog we wanted to take in the shelter told us that the dog needed to go home with another dog and that was not going to be possible for us. So my sister and I came home that day disappointed we were not able to find any dog to take in. We decided that we could fill out applications online for different rescue organizations. We didn't hear back from some of them but then I received an email from a rescue organization. I had put down that we wanted to adopt one of the puppies by the name of Rascal Flatts, but the e-mail said that he was already adopted. Though his sister was still up for adoption. My family and I wanted a boy dog, but after calling the rescue woman and hearing about Piper's story we had to save her. The lady told us that she was rescued by a woman, Gay, who found Piper and her brothers at some man's house where Piper and her brothers were all being kept fenced up. Then she saw the mother of the puppies tied up to a tree and the man told her that she was only used for breeding. I could not believe I was hearing this. Gay then left after seeing this horrific scene and then said that she could not leave those helpless puppies there. Gay then went back and the man willingly  gave Gay the puppies, but would not give her the mom. This was new for Gay because she had been running a rescue shelter from her home for twenty years now and mostly took in older dogs, but she had to save Piper and her brothers. Not only was the mother tied up to a tree Gay also saw that one of the puppies was lying down and she asked the man if he was sick. The man responded saying he didn't know what was wrong with him and that he hadn't moved for the past couple days.It turned out that the puppy was dead because the man gave him too much heart worm medicine. My heart was broken. How could anyone ever do such cruel acts. Now we have rescued Piper and for now she is staying at Gays house over in Mississippi. We are going to get her May 4 over in Worcester. I cannot explain how excited I am to get her and we are going to shower her with love!!!