Sunday, May 10, 2015

Time for the Rea World

Hey guys so I know this is our last post of the year. I want to say that it was a great year and I have had an amazing time. I will take this experience and class with me into the future and will always remember the lunch club. First we started off as a bunch of kids all sitting in a circle not knowing each other so well and then over time we got to know one another and find out little quirks about each other. I found out that all of us love slam poetry and all of us love to debate no matter what topic it may be. I will miss this class when I go off to college and hope that anyone else who considers taking creative writing does it because this is a class that will open up your eyes to the world and is able to educate someone in the poetry and politics of the world. I know whenever I came home I would rant to my family about how much I loved the class or what we talked about that day. This was not some pointless class that I would dread going to class but would be excited and never want to leave this class/ There is nothing that I would want to change about the class because it is already perfect. We were able to establish all the bases that could help us out in the future. Something else I loved also was how we were able to watch movies in class and then able to write movie reviews. Now if I ever become a big time movie critic I will be able to thank Mrs. Patterson and her creative writing class. That way everyone will want to go to NDA and then want to take the creative writing class so it can bring them fame and riches.m I am just saying you never know where high school is going to take you. I know I have  inspired my sister to take the class next year and know she is going to love it and excel with her writing skills. Another positive that has come from this class is that I have inspired people in writing poetry when before I was never really big of a poetry fan myself. Now that this class has come to an end I want to say it really has been an honor and privilege to be able to take this class and hope that in college I will have as much as a positive experience as I have received in  high school. I also want to put out there that anyone who wants to come out and visit me over at SNHU you better come and I will be waiting for these RSVPS to come and see me. I am sad to be leaving you guys but I am also excited to be able to start off a new chapter in my life!!! Well I want to say thank you for all of you who have made me laugh, smile and have a great time. Bye guys!

Friday, May 1, 2015

College Life

Now that it is finally May it is beginning to hit me that at the end of this month I will no longer be a high school student and will be graduated and be an alumni of the NDA. Now that I sit down and think about it I get a little bit scared and worry about how I am going to survive in college. With yesterday being the last day of uniforms it also dawned on me that for the past 13 years of my life I never had to worry about what I wear of how I look. Now I am going to have to go out and buy clothes and worry about my hair and what other people think about how I look. Something I might be prepared for but at the same time am not sure how I am going to do it. Another difference I am going to have to adjust with is the boys. I know it won't be a big deal but it is something that I worry about because who wouldn't. We've been to an all girls high school for four years of our life and now in our classes we are going to have guys sitting next to us even. That's not what I'm really concerned about, but what really gets to me is how I am going to be able to survive on my own. For the past 18 years I have lived with my parents and for 13 years of my life I've shared a room with my sister. She has been my roommate for so  long I'm afraid I am going to end up with a psycho roommate who does not get me at all and it is going to be a nightmare. These are all the little things I am scared about and for good reasons. This is a new territory I am entering and I need to enter with caution. At the beginning of high school teachers would ask me what I wanted to do when I get older and I would say some random things not really knowing what I wanted to do with myself, but now I finally do. I have transitioned from a CSI investigator, to a lawyer, to a forensic scientist, to wanting to go into business law. Who even knows maybe that is going to change for me too because change is inevitable. Change is the way of life and how we adapt to the world. Even though I am scared I am happy at the same time because this is my opportunity to go out into the world and meet new people. I can show them how great of a person I am and have n baggage of my past haunting me. It is almost like a new slate that I get and I am going to seize that opportunity without any hesitation. SNHU is going to be my new home for the next four years of my life and I am going to have to make it the best damn time of my life because I am never going to get that moment back when I first start college. It will be a day to remember and many memories to make along the way. As I leave my friends and family behind, I am not really leaving them but learning to make it out there in the real world because one day I am going to have to do it for real. Just go out there and be who you want to be and strive for the best you can do!