Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Beware of Annabelle

Today I thought I would do a movie review and write about the struggles of why I never want to see a scary movie again. This past Friday I went to go see the movie Annabelle for a second time. Annabelle was previously shown in the movie, The Conjuring, of where she was shown in a glass container that sounds to never open under any circumstances. Annabelle told the story of how she ended up going to live in the glass container. I guess you can say seeing it once just wasn't enough, but it really wasn't my choice. I love scary movies but whenever you're watching them in a movie theater I always feel that something is going to come up from under me and drag me just like the movies show. This time the movie was about a doll who was possessed and when I got home I made sure there were no dolls in my house. I have this one doll in my closet and I've had it since I was a little girl but now it's sitting in my attic. When I saw the movie Annabelle for the first time I was mostly covering my face with my hands looking through the cracks of my fingers to see what was happening. I also made sure my feet never touched the ground. Throughout the entire movie I was on edge and couldn't relax. Right when you thought the scary part was over something would pop up and I would jump out of my seat. Seriously who would buy a doll that even looked like that. It's hideous and not to mention really dirty. At the end of the movie it gave the background of where the doll was know and how Ed and Lorraine Warren had it kept in a glass box in their house. After seeing the movie I went home and stayed in my room for most of the night scared of anything possibly attacking me. I might have been a little over dramatic but that stuff freaks me out. About a week later my other friend told me that she wanted me to see Annabelle with her and I couldn't say no so we went to see it and the second time was a little better but still scary. There were parts where I knew what was going to happen but sometimes I would be off on the timing. When I got home that night I decided to do some research on the doll and it said that she was now locked up and a priest would come by and bless the glass case with Annabelle in it twice a month. The reason they blessed the doll is because there was some sort of entity latching itself onto the doll and didn't want to leave. Something that stood out to me were some of the stories of where Annabelle was behind the death and injuries of others.
 The people who were keeping Annabelle under their supervision, Ed and Lorraine Warren, had many other items kept in their household that were demonic. They kept all of these items in a room that was locked off from the rest of their house. When people found out about this they wanted to see the doll for themselves. Naturally the Warren's allowed people to come and visit their home and see the room full of demonic items. People took pictures with the items, but the one thing people were told not to mess with was Annabelle. The Warren's made it clear that the doll was pure evil even though it may not have looked like it. After all she was only a Raggedy Ann doll. Who would have ever thought something so innocent looking could turn out to be pure evil. One day a couple came by to see the Warren's home. It was a boyfriend and his girlfriend and when they got there the boyfriend started knocking on the case Annabelle was in a said things of how it wasn't evil and that if she could scratch people why she just didn't scratch him. The couple was asked to leave and on their way home they were laughing about what happened and then all of a sudden the boyfriends lost control of his motorcycle and had a head on collision with a tree. The boyfriend died instantly and the girlfriend was in the hospital for a year.  Another incident was when a priest came by to bless the doll and when he got their he took Annabelle out of her case and threw her into the rocking chair saying she was just a doll and was powerless. Lorraine asked the priest to call her when she got home to back sure he was safe. When the priest called Lorraine he told her about the fatal accident he was almost in. He had a brush with death. Now you can see why dolls freak me out. Though for those people that like scary movies, I know you'll love Annabelle. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Some Quick Tips About How To Survive School

Being a senior comes with it pros and cons. Some of the pros are I know what you can expect for the rest of your years in high school because I have already gone through it. I know most people think they know how the rest of their high school years are going to pan out, but that is not always the case. Sometimes life throws curve balls at you that you did not expect. I always tell my sister that she needs to focus and be able to balance school and sports. She should strive to meet her highest potential and so should everyone else. High school is a time to shine and show people how brilliant you are to to excel in life because after high school comes college and then the real world. I know my freshmen year I didn't focus too much on what I was going to do in the future, but now that I look back on it I wish I spent a little more time reflecting on where I want to go in life. Most people think it's crazy when they hear a freshmen or sophomore in high school is already thinking about college but I think it is great. They are getting ahead on their future. Over my past few years here at NDA I have been able to think of some tips I thought I would share.

  1. Don't procrastinate! I know most people already know this and I do too, but the truth is sometimes it's hard not too. Say we're assigned a project a few weeks in advance. Chances are only a few people are going to get right on top of that. I know when I was in the my first couple years here I would put things off, forget about them and then with only a week left I would panic and rush the project. 
  2. Stay positive. Being in high school is hard enough. Try and stay positive. Brush off anything negative that is thrown at you and try to build off of that negativity. Use it as a motivator to do better. 
  3. Sleep a lot!! For me this is a big issue. I usually don't go to bed till later and when it comes time for the weekends it hits me. I am beat tired by Friday but I can't stay home and lay around because I'll have work. Getting at least seven hours sleep is good because most teenagers get about six or seven when they should be getting close to nine hours of sleep. 
  4. Get together with friends to study and do homework together. The key to this when you get together with your friends make you're going to study and not get distracted by other things.  
  5. Make sure to have fun and not worry too much. Yes there are times where you need to be serious about school but make sure to make some time for yourself. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Being the New Kid

Thispast weekend I started my new job over at the Hallmark store in the Pheasant Lane Mall. Your first day of work can be pretty nerve wracking especially when you don't know anyone going in. For me I was a little bit nervous going in, but not too nervous because I had done this a couple times before. You go in say hi to everyone and just try to learn the ropes. One important tip when beginning your job is try to remember the names of everyone. It shows that you are trying and people will be appreciative. Another important tip is to leave with enough time. This is something I need to try and work on. Usually I am always on time or a little bit early, but that morning I had to go out and buy my uniform for work and got home later than I hoped. As soon as I got home I had to start getting ready right away if I wanted to leave with enough time. When it was getting close to when I had to go I started rushing and that something no one wants to do, especially on their first day of a new job. The drive wasn't too bad, but when I got to the mall parking lot it was crazy. There were no spots open so I had to drive around a few times until there was finally an opening. The thing was that the spot I was going for another person wanted to same spot but I got to it first. Let me tell you they did not look the least bit happy with me. Then I looked at the clock and I had about seven minutes until I had to be inside the mall walking into Hallmark. My nerves were shot but I made it and no one seemed to notice. I got to meet everyone and they all seemed nice and welcoming towards me. As the night continued I got to know everyone a little better. I really had nothing to be nervous about. One of my co-workers was telling me all about previous people who worked there that she didn't really get along with and how she was glad all the new girls were nice. Now all I have to do it continue to work hard, try not to upset anyone, and keep my cool. When being the new kid you have to learn to let things slide off of you and not worry too much. If one of your coworkers just smiles and says hi that should be okay. Sometimes people tend to think, do they not like me or something of the sort, but you just need to realize they need time to get to know you and warm up towards you. Just think that you're not always going to be the new kid and someone is going to be hired and then they'll be the ones known as the new kid on the job.