Monday, October 13, 2014

Some Quick Tips About How To Survive School

Being a senior comes with it pros and cons. Some of the pros are I know what you can expect for the rest of your years in high school because I have already gone through it. I know most people think they know how the rest of their high school years are going to pan out, but that is not always the case. Sometimes life throws curve balls at you that you did not expect. I always tell my sister that she needs to focus and be able to balance school and sports. She should strive to meet her highest potential and so should everyone else. High school is a time to shine and show people how brilliant you are to to excel in life because after high school comes college and then the real world. I know my freshmen year I didn't focus too much on what I was going to do in the future, but now that I look back on it I wish I spent a little more time reflecting on where I want to go in life. Most people think it's crazy when they hear a freshmen or sophomore in high school is already thinking about college but I think it is great. They are getting ahead on their future. Over my past few years here at NDA I have been able to think of some tips I thought I would share.

  1. Don't procrastinate! I know most people already know this and I do too, but the truth is sometimes it's hard not too. Say we're assigned a project a few weeks in advance. Chances are only a few people are going to get right on top of that. I know when I was in the my first couple years here I would put things off, forget about them and then with only a week left I would panic and rush the project. 
  2. Stay positive. Being in high school is hard enough. Try and stay positive. Brush off anything negative that is thrown at you and try to build off of that negativity. Use it as a motivator to do better. 
  3. Sleep a lot!! For me this is a big issue. I usually don't go to bed till later and when it comes time for the weekends it hits me. I am beat tired by Friday but I can't stay home and lay around because I'll have work. Getting at least seven hours sleep is good because most teenagers get about six or seven when they should be getting close to nine hours of sleep. 
  4. Get together with friends to study and do homework together. The key to this when you get together with your friends make you're going to study and not get distracted by other things.  
  5. Make sure to have fun and not worry too much. Yes there are times where you need to be serious about school but make sure to make some time for yourself. 

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