Monday, October 6, 2014

Being the New Kid

Thispast weekend I started my new job over at the Hallmark store in the Pheasant Lane Mall. Your first day of work can be pretty nerve wracking especially when you don't know anyone going in. For me I was a little bit nervous going in, but not too nervous because I had done this a couple times before. You go in say hi to everyone and just try to learn the ropes. One important tip when beginning your job is try to remember the names of everyone. It shows that you are trying and people will be appreciative. Another important tip is to leave with enough time. This is something I need to try and work on. Usually I am always on time or a little bit early, but that morning I had to go out and buy my uniform for work and got home later than I hoped. As soon as I got home I had to start getting ready right away if I wanted to leave with enough time. When it was getting close to when I had to go I started rushing and that something no one wants to do, especially on their first day of a new job. The drive wasn't too bad, but when I got to the mall parking lot it was crazy. There were no spots open so I had to drive around a few times until there was finally an opening. The thing was that the spot I was going for another person wanted to same spot but I got to it first. Let me tell you they did not look the least bit happy with me. Then I looked at the clock and I had about seven minutes until I had to be inside the mall walking into Hallmark. My nerves were shot but I made it and no one seemed to notice. I got to meet everyone and they all seemed nice and welcoming towards me. As the night continued I got to know everyone a little better. I really had nothing to be nervous about. One of my co-workers was telling me all about previous people who worked there that she didn't really get along with and how she was glad all the new girls were nice. Now all I have to do it continue to work hard, try not to upset anyone, and keep my cool. When being the new kid you have to learn to let things slide off of you and not worry too much. If one of your coworkers just smiles and says hi that should be okay. Sometimes people tend to think, do they not like me or something of the sort, but you just need to realize they need time to get to know you and warm up towards you. Just think that you're not always going to be the new kid and someone is going to be hired and then they'll be the ones known as the new kid on the job. 

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