Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas is almost here!

Christmas break ... something everyone looks forward to. The only problem with break is that the week before break seems to drag on forever. I know this week has felt like an eternity. Two times this week I thought both days were Friday when I woke up and of course I was wrong. It was only Wednesday and Thursday. Now we can finally saw today is the last day before break and we are gone for a whole two weeks, but then somehow those two weeks seem like only a few days. Once you know it vacation is over and you're already going back to school. I can never believe how fast it flies by. One day you're sitting on your couch watching some t.v. and sipping your coffee or cocoa and next your're in history or math. For all of you out there who don't think they're going to be able to survive through today I am here to tell you it is possible. I have been doing it for the past three years and this is my last one. Even though the day may seem like an endless black hole I try and find a way to survive. I think about the next day and how I get to sleep in and sleep in for the next two weeks. Just a few perks to look forward to. I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and to be safe over vacation. I'll catch up with everyone after break and I just may have a few interesting stories to tell.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Annoying Customers

 Most jobs entail annoying customers. Sadly there is not a handbook that comes with the job to tell you how to deal with them, but I can give you a few tips that might come in handy. Some of the annoying customers I meet are the ones who pull out there coupons after they finished paying and you have to go back, return the entire transaction and then ring it all up again. Then you have the people who ask you to go all the way upstairs to get an item that isn't in the front. Sometimes it takes me a few minutes to find what they are looking for and then when I finally get it and give it to them they change their minds and say never mind. Also you have the old ladies who seem nice, but really are out to get you. If I end up not having what they want they get mad at me and say well you really should have it. If we don't have it there isn't anything I can do about it. All I can do is say I'm sorry and keep nodding my head to whatever they are saying. Occasionally you might get those really creepy customers who may try to be nice but sometimes are just plain old creepy. One day when my friend and I were working this guy came up to check out and we both helped him. After we gave him all of his stuff he said thanks Celine and Christina hope to see you guys soon. We both jut gave each other this look and were like okay that was weird. There a bunch more customers that I could go on and on about, but the most important thing to keep in mind is that the customer is always right. Even if the customer may be completely wrong you still have to appease them as much as you can because that is what you are there to do. I just put up with it and once they're gone I go on a rant about them to another co worker. It is hard to do, but something to learn in life.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Black Friday

Black Friday is sometimes called a holiday, but in my opinion it is a day in hell. Before last Friday I had only been out on Black Friday last year and then I went early in the morning to avoid all of the crowds and crazy people that were soon to come out later in the day. The only problem with my plan of going out earlier in the day wouldn't work this year because this Black Friday I had to work. At first I didn't think it would be too bad in the afternoon because I went shopping around 4 that morning. There weren't too many people and I was fine with that. I didn't want to experience all the terrible stories I've heard about. It was my mistake thinking the afternoon would be the exact same at when I went in the morning. Just to be safe I left for work an hour early just in case there would be trouble to find a parking spot. Lets say I definitely needed that extra time. When entering into the mall I saw a long line of cars waiting to get into the parking lots. I was a little frustrated knowing I needed to get to work and of course it was jammed. There was even a police officer directing traffic, allowing people to cross the street and telling cars to go. Finally, I was making my way over to the Target parking lot of where I always park for work and when entering in I couldn't believe what I saw. People were going crazy, there were cars everywhere and cars following people out of the parking lot. I thought that I might have a better chance trying to park on the upper level of Target. When I got up there some people were leaving the store and walking to their cars. There was this little old lady walking to her car so I decided that I would follow her to her car and take her spot. As soon as I started following her people were giving me nasty looks as they drove by. Then this other old lady pulls into the same place as I am and looks at me. She sees that I already have my blinker on to get the spot and she looks at me and then points to the spot. I tell her it is mine and she nods her head and says that is fine. As soon as the lady backs out I can't pull in because I am in front of her the old lady who said I could have the spot went right into it. I couldn't believe she took the spot that I said was mine. I brushed that off my shoulders and kept looking. Then I saw this couple come out and tried to get a spot again. I put my blinker on and waited. As I was waiting there was this woman staring at me. My window was a little cracked and she said that she already had the spot. I told her she didn't and that I followed them out. She did not look happy and then she came out of her car and I was stuck I couldn't get out because cars were blocking me. She started swearing and screaming at me saying that it was her spot and I couldn't take it. All I could do was roll up my window and slink down into my chair. The woman finally went back into her car and I couldn't be more grateful. I went into work and told my manager about what happened and how I never wanted to work on Black Friday again. To all of you out there who think shopping on Black Friday is fun, it isn't. It is a day of people being violent and scary. Just make sure next year if you do go to be safe and watch out for all those crazy people.