Sunday, December 14, 2014

Annoying Customers

 Most jobs entail annoying customers. Sadly there is not a handbook that comes with the job to tell you how to deal with them, but I can give you a few tips that might come in handy. Some of the annoying customers I meet are the ones who pull out there coupons after they finished paying and you have to go back, return the entire transaction and then ring it all up again. Then you have the people who ask you to go all the way upstairs to get an item that isn't in the front. Sometimes it takes me a few minutes to find what they are looking for and then when I finally get it and give it to them they change their minds and say never mind. Also you have the old ladies who seem nice, but really are out to get you. If I end up not having what they want they get mad at me and say well you really should have it. If we don't have it there isn't anything I can do about it. All I can do is say I'm sorry and keep nodding my head to whatever they are saying. Occasionally you might get those really creepy customers who may try to be nice but sometimes are just plain old creepy. One day when my friend and I were working this guy came up to check out and we both helped him. After we gave him all of his stuff he said thanks Celine and Christina hope to see you guys soon. We both jut gave each other this look and were like okay that was weird. There a bunch more customers that I could go on and on about, but the most important thing to keep in mind is that the customer is always right. Even if the customer may be completely wrong you still have to appease them as much as you can because that is what you are there to do. I just put up with it and once they're gone I go on a rant about them to another co worker. It is hard to do, but something to learn in life.

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