Thursday, February 5, 2015

Accidents at Hallmark

So last night I was working one of my regular shifts, but it was not one of my normal days. My co-worker and I were preparing for the next day because some of the company's owners were coming to check out our store and see how we were running. In preparing for the next day we had to clean the entire store and make sure everything was all clean. While in the process of cleaning the store my co-worker saw that a sign was a little bit lopsided and she wanted to fix it. When she decided to fix it I was kneeling down cleaning one of the shelves and then something fell next to my head and then all of a sudden something fell on top of my head. First I didn't know what happened, but realized I was hurt and bleeding. My first reaction was to run to the back and put some pressure on the cut. I thought it wasn't that bad and I would be alright but after I sat down I realized it was little worse than I thought. All I could do was laugh and my co-worker was frantic and told me that she had to call mall security. I didn't want her to make such big deal out of all of it and then when the mall security came and told me I better go to the hospital to make sure they could rule off any sign of concussion. Then the fire department came and then the police. I was so embarrassed and could not believe this was happening to me. I was then taken in the ambulance to the hospital and my mom came to pick me up. Only something like this would happen to me. Now it just shows to be careful at work and always watch out, even for falling wooden tree statues.

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