Friday, November 21, 2014

Blast from the Past

So today I am going to be writing about something a little bit different. I know I usually blog about all of the unfortunate events that go on in my life, but I thought it would be nice to just talk about music from the 80's and 90's. I know most kids my age do not really know most of the bands from the 80's or if they do their knowledge is pretty limited. In my opinion I think that music was far better when my parents were teenagers. My parents tell me all the time how today's music is awful and how every other word is a swear and all the songs are terrible. On some level I do agree with the songs not being the best we have ever heard, but the music from the 80's I wish we could bring it all back. I joke around all the time saying how I should have been born in the 70's so I could have been around for the time Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Nirvana, Bon Jovi, Guns N' Roses, Journey, Motley Crue, Led Zeppelin, and a bunch of other bands that are too much to list. All of these bands are only a few bands of the long list I have of my love for the 80's music. When listening to all of these bands I always think to myself it is nice to actually be able to listen to a song and a try and figure out the story behind it. For Led Zeppelin each album is like a stroy and the songs are the pieces to the story that the person has to try and figure out for themselves. One of my all time favorite songs by Led Zeppelin is Gallows Pole. This song is amazing in so many ways, It tells the story of a brother who is about to be hung by he tells the hangman to hold on just a minute because he sees his brother coming. The person about to die asks his brother is he has any money and his brother tells him no. The victim has another chance when his friend comes by, but then again is out of luck. Finally, he tells the hangman he sees his sister coming and when the sister comes she agrees to take her brothers place and die instead, Here the song shows the strong bond between the sibling and how she is willing to die for her brother because she loves him so much.

Now I suggest you guys go home and ask your parents what their favorite band was or who their favorite singer was. I can bet they have some amazing suggestions for you and you should go listen to a few of the songs from that time period. Once you hear how amazing it was back then you're going to want more and see the difference of today's music and the music back then. You might actually find a band you really like. It is music that can put you at ease when you need it and can instantly put you into a good mood. Another suggestion I have for you to get into this type of music is to watch the movie Rock of Ages. They have all different artists songs featured in the movie and I loved it. I thought it was great and was able to sing along to every song ( not in a weird way). Thanks again for listening to my little tidbit opinion of the day and I hoped you enjoyed the change of theme this week. 

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