Monday, November 10, 2014

My Driving Adventures

Many parents tell their kids that driving is a privilege and they need to earn it. That was what my parents told me and the only way I was going to be able to get my dads old car was to drive my sister to school in the morning and bring her home. I thought these rules were fine and I have now been driving for a year. Well last Wednesday my friend and I were driving around and while we were talking I was backing up into a parking space all of a sudden we heard this big boom that shook my car. I braked immediately and realized I hit the guard rail behind me. Immediately I ran out to see if there was any damage done and I was mostly looking for any dents and I saw nothing I was so happy and could not believe there was not any damage done. After my friend stopped laughing at me we went into the store to get some things and then had to stop somewhere else. When we got to the second store I got out of the car and I wanted to look to see if there was any more damage and looking at it a second time I noticed the tail light was broken. I could not believe I just broke my tail light and I didn't even have a good reason for why it happened. My friend told me that it wasn't that noticeable and we could fix it up next weekend with no problem. So after the accident happened I just went back home and parked on the side of the road hoping my parents wouldn't notice anything. All I could think about was how stupid I was, but we are teenagers so we all make mistakes. The next day I had work and told one of co-workers and when I told her she just kept cracking jokes about me not hitting her car after work. Even though it wasn't a life changing accident I am now looking three to five times when backing out. I still have yet to tell my parents about the whole accident and when they hear about what happened I hope they might be understanding. To everyone out there I know you all think that you are great drivers, but always make sure to be careful not only of your driving but also of the people around you. The roads can be dangerous. I guess you could say the roads are like a battle ground and people always need to have their guard up.

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