Friday, November 14, 2014

Budgeting your money

Warning: If you are allergic to the word budget or anything related to saving money, I suggest you do not read this weeks post.

N. A plan of operations based on such an estimate.
Adj. Reasonably or cheaply priced

Okay so I know most kids don't like to think about budgeting their money. Budgeting is usually what adults think about or kids in college, but high school is still a time to enjoy your money and not to stress too much. Well for me I can't go one day without hearing the word budget come out of my mom's mouth. Every day my mom will make sure to tell me how much money I need to put aside this week for anything in the future. I am not saying I have a problem with saving my money but after my mom is done "helping" me put aside money, I am left with nothing. Some people take budgeting to an extreme and one of those people are my mother. Even my dad tells her he will go insane if she tries to talk about the budget with him. For teens it is a little more difficult for them to put aside money because they usually tend to want to spend it on clothes or something else they saw in a store and want to buy. I do admit I am someone who will want to spend my money on everything, but thanks to my mom I have learned to save a little and spend a little. At first I was upset at my mom for not letting me spend the money I earned, but hopefully someday I will look back and see that she was right. Also I don't go a day without hear telling me, "See Celine I was right and what do you have to say to me now? Thank you mom?". These are only a few of my moms famous lines. So for anybody out there if you do have a side job look into creating a budget plan for yourself It will seem like a lot of work at first but as you continue it will get easier and you'll be doing yourself a favor in the future. Save up for a car or that new computer you wanted. Trust me I am not telling you this to become one of those crazy people who don't spend any of their money and secretly take home salt and pepper packets home from the restaurants, but to just be aware of what you are spending. Become friends with your budget and don't let it overrule your life.

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