Saturday, January 10, 2015

Updates of some serious CRISES

Well, welcome back to The Daily Struggle. It's been a few weeks since I've posted a blog and I have to say there are a few things I need to rant about. Over the Christmas Break I had some spare time during the week and had to figure out a way how I would spend my time. Most people would pick something productive to do with their time, but I decided to start watching Grey's Anatomy. Can I just say this is a daily struggle. As soon as I finished watching the first episode I fell in love with the show. I could't stop watching it even if I wanted. The problem with this show is that it has 10 seasons!!! Why couldn't it be a little shorter so I could finish it faster, but I decided to stick with it and that was both the right and wrong decision. Sometimes I even have dreams I am performing a surgery. All my friends make fun of me saying that I am obsessed with this show and I guess you could say that I am and am not afraid to admit it. If anyone out there is looking for a good show to dive into this is your show. 
Another daily struggle crisis I am facing is one of my co-workers. At my job I am pretty lovable according to everyone. I love everyone I work with and always have so much fun. Though there is one girl who I work with who is always complaining about me because I get more hours than her. I don't control the amount of hours I get and am just happy with what I do get. I never have a problem with anyone, but I guess now I do and it is getting annoying. So far I have just ignored the looks she gives me at times and the comments she makes, but I am just hoping it all fades away. 
Lastly, I just want to say how many Taken movies are there possibly going to be. This weekend I went to go see Taken 3 with my friend still could not believe they were able to make a third movie. I remember after watching the first movie I didn't think there was any way there were going to be able to make a second one, but they did and then I thought the same thing after the second movie. Though it was clear that I was wrong again and there was a third movie and at the end of the third movie there was a slight indication that Liam Neeson was going to come back and get revenge on someone, Seriously how many movies are there going to be. Lets face it there might even be  Taken 50. Who knows. 

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