Monday, March 30, 2015

The Breakup of One Direction

Well, I can assume most of you have heard about the tragedy of Zayn leaving One Direction. This may be some upsetting news to some of you, but lets face reality he is gone and yes we are all sad because of this. Well I know I am heartbroken because of it. How could he do this to all of us. He was the one in the group who was able to hit all of the high notes and brought the group together. HE MADE ONE DIRECTION! Sorry I can get a little bit emotional over this. This is a very touchy subject for me to talk about and I know for most of you as well. Being able to say this out loud is a big step for me because I am acknowledging that it really happened and he will not be there to comfort us with his melodic singing. Some rumors are going around that he is joining up with Rhianna so they can begin their own band and then there are other rumors that he going to start his solo career. Though most people are saying that he just want to take a break from all of the lime light being on him and to just be able to settle down with his fiance. How dare he start a family with her. Well I guess I cannot say anything bad about that because I have never been engaged before. I remember the day when the news broke out. I was sitting in my kitchen minding my own business when my sisters come running into the kitchen. She looked distressed and then told me the terrible news. Now they were going opposite directions and nothing could fix that. They performed for the first time without Zayn on Sunday over in South Africa. News reporters said that Niall and Louis have taken the parts of the songs that were Zayn's solo and made a way to make it work. Even Zayn's face has been taken off of the print ads and pictures for One Direction's upcoming tour. Even the celebrities are going off about Zayn leaving. This is just a tragedy overall!!!!! Now I advise all of you out there hurting to take some time to heal over but I don't want you to be one of those fans that goes and cries to themselves in the corner because he left but realize he is gone and there is no more Zayn.

Friday, March 13, 2015

People Eating your Food

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Many people struggle with this at home, at work or even with your roommate at college. People eating your food! This is not something I am happy about or quite enjoy and I can't imagine anyone else taking a liking to the idea of people eating the food that they bought. I decided that today I could give you guys some tips on how to deal with these types of people and how to handle them so they will finally come to a stop. The reason I am so passionate about this is because one day at work I had taken a couple bites of a doughnut at work and left it in the back to eat later. Really who would want to eat a doughnut that already had bite marks in it. Well I was wrong because I went in the back to eat the rest of my doughnut and guess what, it wasn't there anymore. My co-worker told me she was so glad someone had already eaten half a doughnut because she couldn't eat a whole one by herself. Not going to lie it made me a little bit mad that she at my food because I do like to eat and not be hungry at work. Trust me no one wants to see me angry and hungry because it is not a combo that is pleasant. Some ways to deal with them is to leave note son your food saying that it is yours and for them not to touch it and sometimes you may leave a little bit of a more strongly worded note to warn them of what could happen if they did eat your food again. Another tactic to use is to ask questions out loud of, "Has anyone seen my yogurt or you could say I wonder where all those granola bars I bought went?" This way they will feel uncomfortable and not want to do it again. These are some useful tactics to use in college because you never know if your roommate is going to eat your food and feel that there are no boundaries because there are boundaries they should not cross. Now go out there and protect your food from all those predators ready to steal it from you!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Hair Dying Gone Wrong


As you all know I am a natural blonde. Now that I look bad I loved my hair and have no idea why I decided to dye it in the first place. I guess you can say I wanted to try a new look and try something new. All my friends and parents told me not to do it, but of course I did it anyways because I wanted to and partly because they told me not to. First I dyed it a light brown and then I went a little bit darker. Then I did black because why not I wanted really dark hair, but that is where I went wrong. After I dyed my hair black every time I took a shower some of the black color would wash out leaving me with streaks in my hair that did not look rather attractive. I was beginning to become unhappy with my decision but ignored the issue until my mom texted a family friend telling them what happened. Our family friend is a hair dresser and she said to just come over and she would help fix it up. What the heck why not. I went over there not knowing what she was going to do with my hair. I had the impression she was just going to take some of the color out but she told me she was going to have to strip it because I dyed it black. So I let her do her thing with my hair and first she put in the shampoo to strip my hair and not going to lie it did burn a little but I got over the feeling. After leaving it in for a while she rinsed it out and said she had to go grab some toner. When she left I could wait to see where we were out and see my new hair. I picked up the mirror and there I was with ORANGE hair!I could not believe what happened and regretted even coming here. She came back and I tried to compose myself so it didn't look like I was freaking out on the inside. She said to me don;t worry your hair is just a little bit orange so we're going to put in a toner.

I was relieved It wasn't going to stay like this because I did have work the next day. She then put in the toner and it burned a lot but I wasn't going to tell her that so I trudged through the burning sensation in my scalp. It only had to stay in for about seven minutes and then she was able to take it out. After she was all done she said come on the the bathroom to take a look. I was afraid to even get up. I did not want to see what I could possibly look like now. I went over into the bathroom with the bright lights lighting up the room and then I stepped in front of the mirror and had to hide my face of, What the hell did you just do to me. Instead of saying that I said I loved it. I looked albino. My roots were white, some parts were golden and the rest was oranegey white. It was a mess. Now to all of you who want to go and dye your hair or change your look think twice about doing it because 90% you'll regret your decision like I did. Just be you and don't change yourself.

Windshield Wiper Blues

To whoever is reading this I must warn you that it might get pretty intense at some parts so if you have to stop reading go ahead. I don't want you to be scarred by my daily struggles in life. Also another warning some of you may cry at how sad this story is going to be. Well I guess I'll start now. So the other day I was driving to go pick up my friend from work. She asked me for a ride and like a good friend I said why not I'll be right there. A few days before I was having some issues with my windshield wipers and they weren't working too well. I didn't think to ask my dad about it because it didn't seem like too big of a deal at the time. Oh I was wrong and regretted my decision because as I was driving this big truck decided to cut me off and go in front of me, but that wasn't the first part. There it was a big puddle in the middle of the road and before I could slow down the truck drove right through it and it all splashed back onto my windshield. Not thinking I put on my wipers and smeared the dirt and water all over. I could not see one single thing. The one good thing that came out of this situation is that I was close to my friends work and after she came in the car I told her about my unfortunate event and then explained how I was not able to see so she was going to have to help me drive her home. Here we were two teenager girls in a car driving downtown, but that wasn't what made us stick out. I had my friend stick her head out the window to tell me what color the light was and when I could go or not and whether or not a pot hole was going to come out. I was laughing so hard, but embarrassed at the same time. We finally made it to her house and there we cleaned off my windshield but that day was the worst. Still I have not learned my lesson of cleaning them because they are still not working. So please learn from me make sure your windshield wipers work unless you want the person in your passengers seat to stick their body out of the window to tell you what color the light is or if a person is going to walk across the street.