Monday, March 30, 2015

The Breakup of One Direction

Well, I can assume most of you have heard about the tragedy of Zayn leaving One Direction. This may be some upsetting news to some of you, but lets face reality he is gone and yes we are all sad because of this. Well I know I am heartbroken because of it. How could he do this to all of us. He was the one in the group who was able to hit all of the high notes and brought the group together. HE MADE ONE DIRECTION! Sorry I can get a little bit emotional over this. This is a very touchy subject for me to talk about and I know for most of you as well. Being able to say this out loud is a big step for me because I am acknowledging that it really happened and he will not be there to comfort us with his melodic singing. Some rumors are going around that he is joining up with Rhianna so they can begin their own band and then there are other rumors that he going to start his solo career. Though most people are saying that he just want to take a break from all of the lime light being on him and to just be able to settle down with his fiance. How dare he start a family with her. Well I guess I cannot say anything bad about that because I have never been engaged before. I remember the day when the news broke out. I was sitting in my kitchen minding my own business when my sisters come running into the kitchen. She looked distressed and then told me the terrible news. Now they were going opposite directions and nothing could fix that. They performed for the first time without Zayn on Sunday over in South Africa. News reporters said that Niall and Louis have taken the parts of the songs that were Zayn's solo and made a way to make it work. Even Zayn's face has been taken off of the print ads and pictures for One Direction's upcoming tour. Even the celebrities are going off about Zayn leaving. This is just a tragedy overall!!!!! Now I advise all of you out there hurting to take some time to heal over but I don't want you to be one of those fans that goes and cries to themselves in the corner because he left but realize he is gone and there is no more Zayn.

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