Friday, March 13, 2015

People Eating your Food

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Many people struggle with this at home, at work or even with your roommate at college. People eating your food! This is not something I am happy about or quite enjoy and I can't imagine anyone else taking a liking to the idea of people eating the food that they bought. I decided that today I could give you guys some tips on how to deal with these types of people and how to handle them so they will finally come to a stop. The reason I am so passionate about this is because one day at work I had taken a couple bites of a doughnut at work and left it in the back to eat later. Really who would want to eat a doughnut that already had bite marks in it. Well I was wrong because I went in the back to eat the rest of my doughnut and guess what, it wasn't there anymore. My co-worker told me she was so glad someone had already eaten half a doughnut because she couldn't eat a whole one by herself. Not going to lie it made me a little bit mad that she at my food because I do like to eat and not be hungry at work. Trust me no one wants to see me angry and hungry because it is not a combo that is pleasant. Some ways to deal with them is to leave note son your food saying that it is yours and for them not to touch it and sometimes you may leave a little bit of a more strongly worded note to warn them of what could happen if they did eat your food again. Another tactic to use is to ask questions out loud of, "Has anyone seen my yogurt or you could say I wonder where all those granola bars I bought went?" This way they will feel uncomfortable and not want to do it again. These are some useful tactics to use in college because you never know if your roommate is going to eat your food and feel that there are no boundaries because there are boundaries they should not cross. Now go out there and protect your food from all those predators ready to steal it from you!

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