Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Windshield Wiper Blues

To whoever is reading this I must warn you that it might get pretty intense at some parts so if you have to stop reading go ahead. I don't want you to be scarred by my daily struggles in life. Also another warning some of you may cry at how sad this story is going to be. Well I guess I'll start now. So the other day I was driving to go pick up my friend from work. She asked me for a ride and like a good friend I said why not I'll be right there. A few days before I was having some issues with my windshield wipers and they weren't working too well. I didn't think to ask my dad about it because it didn't seem like too big of a deal at the time. Oh I was wrong and regretted my decision because as I was driving this big truck decided to cut me off and go in front of me, but that wasn't the first part. There it was a big puddle in the middle of the road and before I could slow down the truck drove right through it and it all splashed back onto my windshield. Not thinking I put on my wipers and smeared the dirt and water all over. I could not see one single thing. The one good thing that came out of this situation is that I was close to my friends work and after she came in the car I told her about my unfortunate event and then explained how I was not able to see so she was going to have to help me drive her home. Here we were two teenager girls in a car driving downtown, but that wasn't what made us stick out. I had my friend stick her head out the window to tell me what color the light was and when I could go or not and whether or not a pot hole was going to come out. I was laughing so hard, but embarrassed at the same time. We finally made it to her house and there we cleaned off my windshield but that day was the worst. Still I have not learned my lesson of cleaning them because they are still not working. So please learn from me make sure your windshield wipers work unless you want the person in your passengers seat to stick their body out of the window to tell you what color the light is or if a person is going to walk across the street.

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